How to Make Money from Online Freelancing Platform: A Comprehensive Guide

In our modern era of technology, earning money online has become remarkably easier, all credit to the emergence of freelancing platforms. These platforms serve as a bridge between companies and individuals in need of services, and adept professionals hailing from various corners of the globe. If you’re eager to harness the possibilities offered by online freelancing and amplify your earnings, this all-inclusive guide is here to navigate you through each phase of the process, one step at a time.

 make money from online freelancing platform

Tips to Make Money from Online Freelancing Platforms

1. Finding Your Niche on Freelancing Platforms

Identify your skills and strengths to determine your niche. Whether you’re a writer, designer, programmer, or marketer, there’s a demand for various services on freelancing platforms.

2. Building an Impressive Profile

Craft a detailed and compelling profile that showcases your skills, experiences, and portfolio. Use a professional profile picture and write an engaging bio to attract potential clients.

3. Creating an Attractive Gig/Profile

Craft attention-grabbing gig titles and descriptions. Highlight the value you offer and use keywords relevant to your niche to improve discoverability.

4. Setting the Right Pricing

Research the market to understand the average rates for your services. Price yourself competitively while considering your skills and experience.

5. Showcasing Your Portfolio

Enlist previous work examples that highlight your expertise. Include diverse samples to demonstrate your versatility.

6. Winning Your First Project

Submit compelling proposals that address the client’s needs directly. Customize each proposal and showcase how your skills align with the project requirements.

7. Delivering Quality Work

Consistently provide high-quality work to build a positive reputation. Satisfied clients are more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend you to others.

8. Building Client Relationships

Communicate effectively with clients, understanding their needs and preferences. Building long-term relationships can lead to repeat business and referrals.

9. Expanding Your Skill Set

Invest in learning and improving your skills to stay competitive in the ever-evolving freelance market.

10. Leveraging Social Media and Online Presence

Promote your services on social media platforms and create a professional website or blog to showcase your work and expertise.

11. Time Management and Productivity

Efficiently manage your time to take on multiple projects without compromising quality. Use productivity tools to streamline your workflow.

12. Handling Finances and Taxes

Enlist the help of financial professionals to manage your income, expenses, and tax obligations as a freelancer.

13. Scaling Up Your Freelance Business

Consider hiring a team, outsourcing tasks, and taking on larger projects to scale your freelancing business.

Seven Best Freelancing Platforms

Enlist the Freelancing Platforms with Details

1. Upwork:

Upwork is an online platform that connects freelancers with clients seeking various services, such as writing, design, programming, marketing, and more. It acts as a marketplace where freelancers can offer their skills and services to clients from around the world. Clients post projects, and freelancers submit proposals to bid for those projects. Upwork provides a secure environment for collaboration, communication, and payment between freelancers and clients.


How to Make Money from Upwork:

  1. Create a Strong Profile: Build a comprehensive and professional profile that showcases your skills, expertise, and experience. Use a friendly and approachable tone to attract potential clients.
  2. Highlight Your Skills: Emphasize your core skills and abilities that match the services you offer. Use relevant keywords to make it easier for clients to find you.
  3. Set Competitive Rates: Research the market to determine competitive rates for your type of work and your level of experience. Price your services competitively to attract clients without undervaluing your skills.
  4. Build a Portfolio: Display samples of your best work in your portfolio. Visual examples demonstrate your capabilities and help clients assess your suitability for their projects.
  5. Craft Winning Proposals: Tailor your proposals to address each client’s specific project requirements. Clearly explain how your skills can fulfill their needs and deliver value.
  6. Timely Responses: Respond promptly to client messages and project invitations. Quick and courteous communication demonstrates professionalism and interest.
  7. Deliver Quality Work: Consistently provide high-quality deliverables that meet or exceed client expectations. Satisfied clients are more likely to provide positive reviews and repeat business.
  8. Request Feedback: After completing a project, kindly ask clients to leave feedback on your profile. Positive reviews enhance your reputation and credibility.
  9. Expand Your Skillset: Stay updated with industry trends and continuously develop your skills. Diversifying your skills can open up more opportunities.
  10. Regularly Apply: Browse and apply for projects that align with your skills and interests regularly. Actively participating increases your chances of finding suitable work.
  11. Networking: Connect with other freelancers and clients on the platform. Networking can lead to collaborations, referrals, and a broader client base.
  12. Professional Conduct: Maintain a high level of professionalism in all interactions. Clear communication and meeting deadlines are vital.
  13. Consider Upgrades: Upwork offers premium membership plans with additional benefits, such as improved visibility to clients and enhanced proposal features.
  14. Client Diversity: Avoid relying heavily on one client. Having multiple clients provides stability and minimizes income risks.
  15. Adapt and Learn: The freelancing landscape evolves. Stay adaptable and keep learning to stay relevant and competitive.

2. Freelancer

A Freelancer Platform is an online marketplace where individuals or businesses can find and hire freelancers to complete various tasks, projects, or services on a temporary basis. Freelancers are self-employed individuals who offer their skills and expertise in areas such as writing, graphic design, web development, digital marketing, translation, and more. These platforms provide a space for freelancers to showcase their abilities and for clients to post projects they need assistance with. One of the popular freelance Platforms is “”


Here’s how you can make money from a Freelancer Platform:

  1. Create a Profile: Sign up on a freelance Platform and create a detailed profile that highlights your skills, experience, and previous work. A professional and informative profile increases your chances of attracting potential clients.
  2. Browse and Bid on Projects: Explore the projects posted by clients that match your skills. Read the project descriptions carefully and decide which ones you’re interested in. Write a compelling bid that outlines how you can fulfill the client’s requirements and what makes you the right fit for the project.
  3. Set Competitive Pricing: Determine your rates based on the complexity of the project, your level of expertise, and market trends. While being competitive, make sure your pricing reflects the value you bring to the table.
  4. Showcase Your Portfolio: If you have previous work samples related to the projects you’re bidding on, attach them to your proposals. A portfolio demonstrates your capabilities and gives clients an idea of your style and quality.
  5. Communicate Clearly: Once you’ve secured a project, maintain clear and professional communication with the client. Understand their expectations, ask relevant questions, and keep them updated on your progress.
  6. Deliver High-Quality Work: Complete the project according to the agreed-upon timeline and specifications. Delivering exceptional quality can lead to positive reviews, repeat business, and referrals.
  7. Manage Feedback and Reviews: Positive reviews and ratings are crucial on Freelancer Platforms. They build your credibility and attract more clients. Even if you receive constructive criticism, use it to improve your skills and services.
  8. Expand Your Skills: Continuously upgrade your skills to stay competitive in the freelance market. The more versatile your skill set, the more opportunities you’ll have to secure different types of projects.
  9. Build Long-Term Relationships: If you consistently provide high-quality work and excellent customer service, you can establish long-term relationships with clients. Repeat business can be a stable source of income.
  10. Promote Yourself: Some Freelancer Platforms allow you to promote your services through various means, such as paid advertising or featured listings. Consider these options to enhance your visibility on the platform.

3. Fiverr

Fiverr is a platform that connects freelancers and clients seeking various digital services. These services, known as “gigs,” span a wide range of categories, including graphic design, writing, programming, video editing, digital marketing, and more. Freelancers on Fiverr offer their skills and expertise to complete tasks or projects for clients on a global scale.


To make money on Fiverr, follow these steps:

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on the Fiverr platform. Make sure to fill out your profile with accurate information and a professional profile picture.
  2. Identify Your Skills: Determine what services you can offer based on your skills and expertise. Fiverr has a diverse range of categories, so find the ones that align with your talents.
  3. Create Your Gig: A gig is the service you’ll offer on Fiverr. Each gig should have a clear and concise title, a detailed description of the service you’re offering, the deliverables clients can expect, and the price you’ll charge.
  4. Set Pricing: Decide on your pricing structure. Fiverr offers different pricing tiers, allowing you to offer additional features or faster delivery for higher prices. Start with competitive but reasonable prices, considering your skill level and the market demand.
  5. Add Gig Extras: You can offer additional services or options as “gig extras.” These can help you increase your earnings by offering clients more value.
  6. Create Attractive Gig Images: Visuals are crucial on Fiverr. Design eye-catching images that showcase your skills and the service you’re offering. These images can help potential clients decide whether to choose your gig.
  7. Write Compelling Descriptions: Craft clear and engaging gig descriptions. Explain what you’re offering, the benefits, and why clients should choose you over others.
  8. Use Relevant Keywords: Include relevant keywords in your gig title and description to improve your gig’s visibility in search results.
  9. Promote Your Gig: In the beginning, you might need to promote your gig to gain visibility. Share it on social media, online communities, and among your personal contacts.
  10. Deliver High-Quality Work: Once clients start ordering your gig, make sure to provide excellent service and deliver high-quality work. Positive reviews and ratings will enhance your reputation on the platform.
  11. Maintain Communication: Communicate with your clients promptly and professionally. Address any questions or concerns they might have.
  12. Request Reviews: After completing an order, kindly ask satisfied clients to leave a review. Positive reviews will enhance your credibility and attract more clients.
  13. Continuous Improvement: Regularly update and improve your gig based on feedback and market trends. This will keep your offerings fresh and appealing.

4. Toptal

Toptal is a platform that connects clients with top freelance talent in various fields, primarily in the realm of software development, design, finance, and project management. The name “Toptal” is short for “Top Talent,” reflecting their focus on providing access to high-quality professionals.


To make money from Toptal as a freelancer, you would typically follow these steps:

  1. Application: Toptal maintains a rigorous screening process to ensure that only the top professionals are accepted onto their platform. You would need to apply as a freelancer, which involves providing information about your skills, experience, and expertise. This application process is highly competitive.
  2. Screening: If your application is accepted, you’ll go through a screening process that may involve technical interviews and skill assessments related to your field of expertise.
  3. Profile Setup: Once you pass the screening, you’ll create a profile showcasing your skills, experience, portfolio, and availability on the Toptal platform.
  4. Client Projects: Toptal clients come to the platform seeking freelance experts for their projects. When a client’s requirements match your skills and availability, Toptal may recommend you as a potential candidate.
  5. Engagements: If a client selects you for a project, you’ll engage in the project work according to the terms and requirements set by the client and Toptal.
  6. Payment: Toptal handles the payment process, ensuring that you receive compensation for your work. Payments are typically made based on an hourly or project-based rate, as agreed upon with the client.
  7. Quality Work: Providing high-quality work, meeting deadlines, and maintaining good communication with clients are essential to building a successful reputation on the platform. Positive feedback from clients can lead to more opportunities.
  8. Repeat Business: If clients are satisfied with your work, they may choose to work with you again on future projects, helping you establish long-term relationships and a steady flow of work.

Remember that while Toptal offers access to high-paying projects and reputable clients, the competition and expectations are equally high. To succeed on the platform, it’s important to have a strong skillset, a polished portfolio, excellent communication skills, and a commitment to delivering top-notch work.

5. Guru is a freelancing platform that allows individuals or businesses to offer their services to clients who are looking for specific skills or tasks. It covers a wide range of categories, including writing, design, programming, marketing, and more. Freelancers create profiles highlighting their expertise and previous work, while clients post job listings outlining their requirements.

Earning Money from To make money from, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Profile: Sign up as a freelancer on and create a detailed profile. Highlight your skills, experience, portfolio, and any relevant certifications.
  2. Browse Job Listings: Clients post job listings on the platform. Browse through the listings to find projects that match your skills and interests.
  3. Submit Proposals: When you find a job that suits you, submit a proposal outlining how you would approach the project, your relevant experience, and your pricing.
  4. Negotiate and Agree: If the client is interested in your proposal, you might need to negotiate the terms, such as the project scope, deadlines, and payment. Once you both agree, you can move forward.
  5. Complete the Project: Work on the project according to the agreed-upon terms. Communicate with the client regularly to ensure you’re meeting their expectations.
  6. Submit Deliverables: Once the project is completed, submit the final deliverables to the client.
  7. Get Paid: The client will review your work. If they are satisfied, they’ll release the payment to you through’s platform. usually takes a percentage of the payment as a service fee.

Tips for Success:

  • Create a professional and comprehensive profile to showcase your skills.
  • Tailor your proposals to each job, demonstrating your understanding of the client’s needs.
  • Be responsive and communicate effectively with clients.
  • Deliver high-quality work within agreed-upon deadlines.
  • Build a strong portfolio by consistently completing successful projects.

Remember that success on freelancing platforms like requires patience, persistence, and continuous improvement in your skills and approach.

6. PeoplePerHour

PeoplePerHour is a UK-based online platform that connects freelancers and clients seeking various services. It’s a marketplace where individuals or businesses can offer their skills and expertise to complete tasks, projects, or services for clients. The platform covers a wide range of categories, including writing, design, programming, marketing, virtual assistance, and more.


To make money on PeoplePerHour, follow these steps:

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on the PeoplePerHour website. You’ll need to provide relevant information about your skills, experience, and the types of services you can offer.
  2. Profile Setup: Craft a compelling profile that highlights your skills, experience, and expertise. Use a professional photo and write a detailed, well-written description of your services. This will help you attract potential clients.
  3. Portfolio: Showcase your previous work, projects, or samples in your portfolio. This gives clients an idea of the quality of your work and the services you can provide.
  4. Service Listings: Create listings for the services you’re willing to offer. Be specific about what you can do, what clients can expect, and how much you charge. Ensure your listings are clear and engaging.
  5. Pricing: Determine your pricing strategy based on the complexity of the work, your skills, and the market rates. PeoplePerHour allows you to set fixed prices, and hourly rates, or offer custom quotes.
  6. Proposals: Browse through available job listings and send proposals to clients whose projects match your skills. Craft personalized proposals that address the client’s needs and demonstrate your understanding of the project.
  7. Communication: Maintain clear and professional communication with clients. Respond promptly to messages and clarify any doubts they might have about your services.
  8. Deliver Quality Work: If you’re awarded a project, make sure to deliver high-quality work within the agreed-upon timeframe. Client satisfaction is crucial for building a positive reputation on the platform.
  9. Reviews and Ratings: After completing a project, clients can leave reviews and ratings for your services. Positive reviews and high ratings can significantly boost your credibility and attract more clients.
  10. Consistency: Continuously deliver exceptional work and build a strong reputation over time. As you accumulate positive feedback and complete projects, you’re likely to attract more clients and higher-paying opportunities.
  11. Upselling: As you establish yourself on the platform, consider offering additional services or packages to your existing clients. This can increase your earnings and build long-term relationships.
  12. Promote Yourself: PeoplePerHour also has tools for self-promotion, such as the ability to share your profile on social media and participate in their “Hourlies” feature, where you offer specific services at a fixed price.

7. 99designs

99Designs is a platform that connects designers with clients who require various design services, such as logos, websites, graphics, and more. It operates on a crowdsourcing model, allowing clients to post design projects and receive submissions from a community of designers. Clients then select the design they like the most and award the designer a prize or payment for their work.

99 Designs

If you’re looking to make money from 99designs as a designer, here’s how you can get started:

  1. Sign Up and Create a Profile: Register on the 99designs platform and set up a profile showcasing your skills, portfolio, and design expertise. This is your opportunity to make a positive first impression on potential clients.
  2. Browse Design Contests: Clients post design contests with specific requirements and briefs. Browse through the available contests and choose the ones that align with your skills and interests.
  3. Submit Designs: Once you’ve identified a contest you want to participate in, create and submit your design according to the client’s brief. Make sure your design stands out and addresses the client’s needs effectively.
  4. Engage in Feedback: Clients may provide feedback on your design submissions. Use this feedback to refine and improve your designs. Being responsive and adaptable can increase your chances of winning contests.
  5. Win Contests: If your design is selected by the client as the winner of a contest, you’ll receive the prize money associated with that contest. Prizes can vary depending on the complexity of the project.
  6. Build a Strong Portfolio: As you win contests and create successful designs, your portfolio will grow. A strong portfolio will attract more clients and give you credibility as a designer.
  7. Participate in 1-to-1 Projects: In addition to contests, clients may invite you to work on 1-to-1 projects, which are direct collaborations. These projects can lead to ongoing work and more consistent income.
  8. Consistency and Quality: Consistently participating in contests, producing high-quality designs, and maintaining professionalism can help you establish a positive reputation on the platform.
  9. Specialize and Showcase Expertise: Specializing in a specific design niche or style can help you stand out among other designers. Clients often look for designers who excel in certain areas.
  10. Networking and Collaboration: Engage with other designers on the platform, exchange ideas, and collaborate if the opportunity arises. Networking can open up new doors for collaboration and projects.


How do I get paid on freelancing platforms?

Most freelancing platforms offer payment options such as PayPal, direct bank transfers, or payment gateways integrated into the platform.

Is freelancing a stable source of income?

Freelancing income can vary, but with the right approach, consistent work, and a strong client base, it can become a stable income source.

How do I stand out among other freelancers?

Create a unique selling proposition (USP) that highlights what sets you apart. Showcase your expertise, provide excellent service, and maintain professionalism.

Do I need to have formal qualifications to freelance?

While formal qualifications can be advantageous, freelancing is often based on skills and experience. Building a strong portfolio and showcasing your abilities is key.

How can I ensure a steady flow of projects?

Maintain an active presence on the platform, continuously update your profile, and deliver quality work on time. Happy clients are more likely to hire you again.

Are freelancing platforms only for full-time freelancers?

No, freelancing platforms cater to both full-time freelancers and those looking for part-time or occasional gigs.


In the realm of online freelancing platforms, the opportunities to make money are vast and diverse. By finding your niche, building a strong profile, selecting the right platform, and consistently delivering quality work, you can establish a successful freelancing career. Remember that dedication, professionalism, and a willingness to adapt to changes are essential to thriving in the competitive freelancing landscape.

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